Thursday, October 11, 2012

Having a healthy and happy term 4!

Welcome back for Term 4!

This term our juniour theme focus is on healthy eating. We will be investigating what foods are best for us, ideas for healthy snacks and meals, what are the good things in our food, the food groups and more.

There are a few websites on the blog page that will lead you to some educational and interactive sites about healthy food and fruits and vegetables.

At the end of last term we also did some planting. We planted sunflowers, lettuce, herbs and more. Here are some pictures of the process:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Marvellous moon haikus

We have been learning about writing haikus.
Did you know that haikus are a traditional form or japanese poetry? Haikus also have some rules. A haiku is written on 3 lines: the first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables again.
Haikus are usually about one idea or feeling, and lots of haikus are written about parts of nature.

Since we have been learning about space this term we have written some haikus about the moon. We started by narrowing down our idea and writing one or two sentences about it. Then we put those sentences onto 3 lines. Lastly, we added, deleted, or changed the words in the lines so that the syllables followed the 5, 7, 5 pattern. This is what we came up with:

The full moon is bright,
It shines on every dark thing
It shines brightly too.

Moon glows in the dark,
The moon is like a big lamp
to show us the way.


We can't see new moons
It is on the other side
of the world right now.
Sarah B

The moon shines on Earth
and it protects us and you
can see the full moon.


The moon can have shapes
You can see shapes like a hand
Shapes are in the moon.

The moon shines on me
it glows and it is gorgeous
The full moon gleams down.


In the sky it shines
like a floating bubble at
night, fly big bubble.

Moon looks like a face
Then it is gone for awhile
Then comes back with us.


The full moon means it
doesn't grow and it wont stay
like that all the time.

The moon has a face
it is very happy, smiles.
It's humongous, huge.


Moons sometimes have shapes,
handprints can be on the moon.
The full moon is grey.

The moon is so big
The moon has pictures in it
It always smiles bright.

Sarah S

It is beautiful
It is shiny in the sky
to show us the way

It looks like a 'D'
It looks like a banana
Looks like a circle.


The moon can sometimes
look like there is a man there.
The moon is giant.

The moon is quite small
The moon is quite beautiful
The moon is quite grey.


Moon shines brightly, cool
at night. It looks beautiful,
sometimes looks creepy.

It glows bright at night
It is beautiful and bright
it is bright and white.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Extraordinary explanations!

This term we have been learning how to write an explanation. A good explanation needs a few things to make it good: A title, an introductory sentence, a few paragraphs or ideas about the topic, and a summary. We also know we need to include topic-specific words and still try to make it interesting for the reader.

Here are a few examples of our writing this term:

Phases of the moon

Do you ever wonder how the moon changes its shape? Well here is some information. The moon orbits the Earth and changes through eight phases.

The first phase of the moon is called the new moon. A new moon is when nobody can see the moon because it is in the middle of the Earth and the sun. This means the sun is making a shadow on Earth. It also means that the moon is blocking the sun at daytime in different places, that is called an eclipse.

The next phase of the moon is called a crescent moon. A crescent moon looks like a banana, a skinny bright yellow banana.
As the moon orbits the Earth the moon changes into a half or quarter moon. A half moon looks like a half sphere.

After the half moon there is a waxing gibbous, waxing means getting bigger and bigger, a gibbous moon is when people can see a moon bigger than half.

The next phase is called a full moon. A full moon is the furthest away from the sun. A full moon is when people on Earth can see a big bright ball.

Now the moon is a waning gibbous, waning means getting smaller and smaller.

After the waning gibbous is a waning half or quarter moon. The waning half or quarter moon is getting smaller and smaller.

Then it is the waning crescent. The waning crescent may look like the waxing crescent but the waning crescent is facing the left side and the waxing crescent is facing the right side. The moon changes its shape every week.

That’s all the eight moons, all eight of the phases have an effect on Earth, making high and low tides. The moon makes the tides from its gravity.


Phases of the moon

The moon has eight phases which effect the Earth.

When people on Earth can’t see the moon, the moon is called a new moon. A new moon is when a bright side of the moon has the sun and people on Earth can see the dark side because that side of the moon isn’t facing the sun. The dark side of the moon is facing the Earth.

The phases of the moon effect the tide; when it pulls it in and drags it out.

The moon changes its phases each week, which is seven days.
The phases go in order and this is how they go. First the phases start off with a new moon which people all around the world can’t see.

The next phase is a waxing crescent and waxing means getting bigger and bigger. After the waxing crescent it’s a quarter moon, also known as a half moon.

After a half moon it’s a waxing gibbous (gibbous means that it’s bigger than half). Then it is a full moon. Then it comes to a waning gibbous and waning means getting smaller.
So after the gibbous it’s another crescent getting smaller, then it’s the third quarter of the moon. After that it’s back to a full moon.

The moon is very special to people on Earth.


How day and night happens

Have you ever wondered how night and day happens? Well here’s some reasons how. Earth orbits the sun as a circle but on its axis to turn. It takes 365 days for a whole year, or 12 months. Axis means an imaginary diagonal line.

One side of the Earth gets day because it is facing the sun, and the other side is facing away. The sun doesn’t move anywhere. Earth rotates from west to east.

It goes from sunrise, to noon, to sunset. It takes 24hours for a whole day. That is how day and night happens.


How day and night happens

Have you ever wanted to know how day and night happens? Well here’s how.

Earth rotates around on its axis while it orbits the sun, and the moon orbits Earth. Earth takes 24 hours to rotate once. Earth always rotates on its axis. Its axis is going diagonal. It takes a year for Earth to orbit the sun. A year can be 365 days or 12 months.

It feels like the sun orbits around Earth but the sun stays in one spot. Earth orbits the sun while rotating at a slow speed so humans and animals can’t feel it. Because the sun stays in one spot and Earth moves on its axis only half of the Earth gets sun at a time, that’s why Earth has night.

Every country has sunrise, noon, and sunset. For example, New Zealand has sunrise, that means we are on the west. Then Earth rotates a little more then New Zealand has noon. Then Earth moves a little more and New Zealand has sunset.


Why the sun is important

The sun is important because it’s the main light. The sun is fun to play in. If Earth doesn’t have sun people won’t have much power. The sun keeps us warm. If there was no heat in the world people would be cold and the Earth will be frozen and it won’t move.

Some plants have vegetables on their branches and if the plants that have vegetables on them die we will have no food on the Earth.


Why the sun is important

The sun is a valuable circle of light and it helps humans to get energy. If everyone didn’t have the sun the world wouldn’t have any trees, fruit, vegetables, and oxygen. Without the sun Earth would just shoot off into space. Everyone needs vitamin D because everyone would be dry and sick without the sun. Without the sun Earth would be frozen like Pluto because the sun keeps us warm. The sun makes us happy. That’s why the sun is amazing.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Amazing Arrays

Room 10 are learning about multiplication and division this term.
We have made some arrays to help us with our multiplication.

An array visually shows a multiplication fact. For example, 2x3 means that there are two sets of three, so there are two rows of three stars. If the fact was 3x2 then there would be three rows with 2 stars in each.

Here are a couple we made with glue and glitter. We chose stars to fit with our space theme.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Our garden!

Last term the junior rooms did some gardening. This is just a quick update about how our garden is looking!

Our brocoli is blooming

Our cauliflower is accumulating

Our brussel sprouts are budding

And our silverbeet is sprouting!

If any parents of room 10 students would like to come and get some free veges you are more than welcome to!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Recycled art!

WOW! There is so much you can do with what we would usually throw away! Room 10 has been helping reduce the amount of rubbish in our class by reusing things like chip packets, cardboard and much more, to make recycled artworks.

With the help of one of our parents, we have been making recycles flowers. some of the flowers are made with aluminium cans, and some with chip, lollie, or muslie bar wrappers.

We are hoping to have decorated holders and more flowers to make a posie and we will share our finished product with you.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Term 2!

Welcome back everybody. We hope everyone had a great relaxing holiday!

We have got lots on this term, including junior and senior sport afternoons starting up, some morning jump jam fitness, kapahaka, Te Reo lessons are starting, and our theme for this term is reduce, reuse, recycle.And of course our normal numeracy and literacy programmes are continuing as usual. Whew!

Room 10 has talked about what we think reducing, reusing and recycling means, and we are looking forward to furthering our knowledge about this!
Here is a cool website that gives you some facts about reducing, reusing and recycling, as well as some games and animations for students to watch (you will need to use sound when looking at the site). Go to the following link if you would like to visit it-

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rockin' Rocky Shore!

This term we visited the Kawaroa rock pools! It was a fantastic trip, with much excitement and lots of creatures were found.

We found creatures such as chitons, tube worms, crabs, sea weed (Neptunes necklace and others), cat's eyes, starfish and many more!

It was fantastic fun to search through the rock pools! After our exploring we got to go to the Aquatic centre and have a swim!

We had a great day. Thank you to all the parents that came and helped!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Last Friday Turuturu School went out to look at some of the Americarna cars that were driving through Hawera! There were so many cars of all shapes and sizes! Here is just a small selection of some of the cars we saw:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beautiful butterflies!

This week Room 10 had a special visitor!
Last week Mr Bradley had found a chrysalis that had fallen from its plant so he brought it to Room 10 for us to take care of it.

The chrysalis stayed green for most of the week, but by Tuesday it had turned black and we could just see the colour of the butterfly's wings inside it.

Just after we had been discussing the chrysalis the butterfly began to emerge. It happened very quickly and Miss Gubb had to get the butterly on to some paper and take it outside to find a plant to hang on. We needed to find a plant so the butterfly could dry out and pump up its wings.
After being checked on at morning tea and lunch our new friend seemed just fine and almost ready to take off. We wish it the very best for its journey =)

Here a few pieces of writing from our class about the butterfly:

"A few days ago Mr Bradley brought in a chrysalis. It was green and gold.Then it went black. Finally today it hatched. When it came out its colours were orange and black. Mr Bradley was the one who rescued him" By Tayla Prestidge

"The chrysalis was black!!!The wings came out wet and crunched up. Its wings were saturated!!" By Kayla Vujcich

"I was shocked! We put it in the garden on a dead sunflower. It just about fell off again but luckily it stuck to the bottom of the leaf" Devin Thomas

"Its wings were saturated. It can't fly because it is too heavy and it needs to pump its wings. At the moment the wings are crunched up. On the plant it hangs upsidedown. I think it is having a rest" Shakaia Woodhead

Good times gardening!

Room 10 has been busy in the garden!This week we got to plant some yummy new vegetables in the gardens around the school.
Some of the vegetables we planted are brussel sprouts, raddishes and cabbages, mmmm mmm! First we dug a hole, then added sheep pellets to help the plants grow. Then we carefully placed the plant in the hole and packed the dirt back around it. Then it was time for the final touch-giving them some much needed water! We look forward to watching our plants grow over the year!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Welcome back!

Welcome back for 2012 everybody!
Room 10 is filled with 22 awesome year 3's and their new teacher, Miss Gubb. We have been getting to know each other over the past week. Swimming is always a highlight, and we are now working on self-portraits to show off our artistic sides.